Seep State

Franz Kaka
14.01.2023 - 18.02.2023

Seep State brings together practices that foreground the porosity of bodies as boundaries and identities aimed toward new and novel ways of understanding being. Viewing this thematic through a plurality of material approaches and conceptual frameworks, the works included propose both body and mind as unfixed entities that are in constant and contingent relation with surrounding actors, environments and energies, which are themselves constantly shifting.

Exceeding Franz Kaka’s familiar gallery boundaries, Seep State extends itself into the the gallery backroom and beyond with the installation of a new vinyl work by Montreal-based Alli Melanson applied to the office window with its reverse visible from the street below. Here, the sacred space of the gallery and the profane undertakings of the backroom are brought into direct contact with one another as their traditional architectural separation is made porous. The works included in Seep State also all point to the permeability of containers - biological, psychic and inorganic - and the inability of these outwardly fixed forms to wholly limit the leaky messes they attempt to hold.

Text by Ari Hoekstra

  1. Perpetual Stew (ft. Lode). 2023.  Digital Print on adhesive vinyl. 95 x 103.5 in.