
Chris Andrews

Libby Rothfeld, Ashes Withyman and Alli Melanson

18.03.2023 - 15.04.2023

The exhibition derives its title from the restaurants with an often-disputed etymology. Their dominant origin story denotes the word as originating either from the Napoleonic Wars or the regional Poitevin word for “little servant” – bistraud. The word slipped and morphed spellings over the next century, and was eventually rid of the “t” – bistrot. Later, Swiss astronomer Paul Wild named a stony asteroid “2038 Bistro” after the establishments, and in this gesture, solidified their influence into the near future. 2038 Bistro continues to orbit the sun, completing its rotation once approximately every 4 years.

The included works converge in their use of found or gathered material. Plucked, unyoked from use, or impregnated with new meaning, the assemblages similarly uncouple themselves from a recent past.

Text by Chris Andrews

  1. Cross (After Krauss). 2023. Found lockers, framed digital prints. Dimensions variable.

  2. A Mouth for Any Opening. 2023. Digital print on adhesive vinyl. 2 x 3 inches.

  3. Menu (Gates of Hell). 2023. Binder, 200 digital prints, archival print preservers, permanent marker. 10 x 11.5 x 1.5 inches.